Minggu, 09 Juni 2013


TOEFL is a standard test given by the Educational Testing Service. The goal is to assess the English language ability of a person. TOEFL test is a necessary condition for continuing higher education. There are three sections in the TOEFL Listening Comprehesion in section 1 in this test we do the problems by listening to the recordings played, the 2nd section is divided into two types, namely about part A: Structure and Part B: Written Expression. Usually in part A consisting of 1-15 questions that where we have to choose the correct answer to complete the sentence incomplete, while in part B consists of 16-40 questions in part B where we have to correct or identify the fault so we choose or looking for a wrong answer so that we sentence a correct sentence. Form an answer from part A and part B were different, if in part A answer a, b, c, d, but if it was down in part B answers a, b, c, d it was flat. And the last 3 Reading Comprehension section in this test we answer the questions according to the reading text. Score in the TOEFL Paper-Based Test is 200 to 677. How to calculate the score is to convert the number of correct answers with a scaled score of 20-68.

sourced from:
Sukur, Silvester Goridus.2007.Comprehensive English Grammar For The TOEFL Test For Beginners 1.Yogyakarta: Indonesia Cerdas

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